Antenatal Postnatal Exercises in Goregaon, Mumbai


Antenatal exercises aim at improving the physical and psychological well-being of an expected mother for labor and preventing pregnancy-induced pathologies by various physical means. It generally includes low impact aerobic exercises and stretching exercises. The postnatal or postpartum period is the period that occurs immediately after childbirth. The postnatal period is a critical, yet often neglected period in a new parent’s life. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), most maternal and newborn deaths occur in this period, therefore, proper parent and newborn management and care are vital.

Antenatal Postnatal Exercises in Goregaon at Physio Lounge offers specialized antenatal and postnatal exercises tailored to support expecting and new mothers throughout their journey. With expert guidance and personalized routines, Physio Lounge ensures the well-being and fitness of mothers during and after pregnancy in Goregaon.

Benefits of Antenatal Exercises

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Reduces morning sickness

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Reduces insomnia, anxiety and stress

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Prevents excessive weight gain during pregnancy

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Improves core stability

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Improves glycemic control

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Prepares for physical demands of labor

Key Features

Physical therapy, through a combination of manual therapies, specific treatments (such as pelvic floor muscle training), and therapeutic exercise, can improve health outcomes for new mothers in the
postnatal period.

Physical therapy interventions may help with the following:


Improve mood


Improve cardiorespiratory fitness


Promote weight loss


Reduce the risk of postpartum depression and anxiety


Enhance psychological well-being


Improve sexual health and sexual dysfunction

How Do I Know If I Seek Medical Care?

Seeking medical care during pregnancy is essential for ensuring the health and well-being of both the expectant mother and the developing baby.

Here are some key situations when it's important to seek medical care during pregnancy:


Excessively shortness of breath


Chest pain or palpitations




Vaginal bleeding


Abdominal pain


Reduced fetal movement





















What Do You Mean By Postnatal Clinical Presentation?

The postnatal clinical presentation refers to the physical and emotional changes that occur in women after childbirth. It’s crucial to plan for adequate postnatal care, including medical check-ups, emotional support, and assistance with childcare to ensure a smooth transition into motherhood and promote the well-being of both the mother and the newborn.


Increased elasticity in ligaments, which can last 4-5 months from labor


Weakened pelvic floor muscles


Pelvic floor neuropathy


Swollen extremities hands, feet, and ankles


Urinary incontinence


Incontinence of stool and flatus


Low back pain

What Do You Mean By Postnatal Clinical Presentation?

The postnatal clinical presentation refers to the physical and emotional changes that occur in women after childbirth. It’s crucial to plan for adequate postnatal care, including medical check-ups, emotional support, and assistance with childcare to ensure a smooth transition into motherhood and promote the well-being of both the mother and the newborn.


Increased elasticity in ligaments, which can last 4-5 months from labor


Weakened pelvic floor muscles


Pelvic floor neuropathy


Low back pain


Swollen extremities hands, feet, and ankles


Incontinence of stool and flatus


Urinary incontinence











Treatment Procedures

Antenatal exercise, or exercise during pregnancy, is essential for maintaining physical fitness and promoting a healthy pregnancy. Here are some commonly recommended antenatal exercises and tips on how to take care while exercising during pregnancy:


Prenatal Yoga






Prenatal Pilates


Low-Impact Aerobics


Strength Training


Pelvic Floor Exercises


Proper Breathing Exercise

Remember that every pregnancy is unique, so what works for one person may not be suitable for another. Always prioritize safety and consult with your healthcare provider for personalized recommendations regarding antenatal exercise.











Our Approach & What to Expect on Your First Visit

At Physio Lounge, our approach to designing an antenatal exercise plan is centered on your unique needs and stage of pregnancy. We prioritize safety and effectiveness, tailoring exercises to strengthen core muscles, improve flexibility, and promote overall well-being. Our goal is to enhance your physical fitness, reduce discomfort, and prepare your body for labor and postpartum recovery while ensuring a safe and comfortable experience throughout your pregnancy journey.

On your first visit you must expect the following:

Welcome and Introductions

When you arrive, our friendly staff will welcome you and introduce you to your therapist.

Medical History

You’ll be asked about your medical history, including your specific condition, any previous treatments, and medications. 


When you come for your first prenatal visit, your healthcare provider will perform a thorough assessment to ensure a healthy pregnancy. This assessment includes confirming your pregnancy, estimating your due date, discussing prenatal vitamins and lifestyle adjustments, and addressing any initial questions or concerns you may have. Regular prenatal check-ups will be scheduled to monitor your pregnancy’s progress and your baby’s development, ensuring a safe and healthy journey for both you and your baby.

Questions and Concerns

Feel free to ask questions or share any concerns you may have. We encourage open communication to make your experience as comfortable as possible. Your doctor will explain the treatment, diet and exercises, ensuring you understand the purpose and how they will benefit you. 

Future Appointments

We’ll schedule future appointments as needed, and your doctor will provide guidance on at-home exercises and self-care. Throughout your journey with us, we’ll offer continuous support, motivation, and guidance to help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of physiotherapy at the antenatal period?

Many changes happen to your body during pregnancy. A Physiotherapist can help
you understand and work through those changes and manage other common
problems. Working with a Physiotherapist can relieve pain, build strength, prepare
you for delivery and aid recovery after your baby is born.

What is the role of physiotherapy in antenatal and postnatal care?

Physiotherapists help prevent physical and emotional stresses encountered
during pregnancy and labor by improving mother’s overall physical fitness and
educating her about physiological changes occurring in her body during

What is the role of physiotherapy on the maternity ward?

Physiotherapy treatment focuses on maintaining and restoring normal function,
minimizing problems with pelvic floor muscle function, preventing disability and
improving quality of life.

When is the best time to start antenatal?

About 6 to 8 weeks pregnant. It’s best to have your first antenatal visit before 10 weeks into your pregnancy. Ideally
this will happen when you are about 6 to 8 weeks pregnant. This is because there are lots of things to learn about. Also, some tests are recommended early in your pregnancy.

What is the role of a physiotherapist in postnatal care?

Role of physiotherapist in postnatal care is by providing education, exercises, and
treatment to manage pregnancy-related musculoskeletal conditions and promote
recovery after childbirth.